

Product Detail: TrueNicks Broodmare Select Plus

Broodmare Select Plus

Finds only the highest rated nicks for your mare

The TrueNicks Broodmare Select Plus is available at www.TrueNicks.com/Reports. This report:

  • Finds up to 50 stallions that rate B+ or better (A++, A+, A, B+) with your mare from an unlimited selection pool
  • Provides you with the Enhanced report that gives you all the data fields required to make an informed decision about the nick at hand
  • Searches for stallions based on location and stud fee criteria that you input
  • Allows you to manually enter potential stallions to consider in addition to your pre-selected criteria
  • Detailed lists tell you not only which stallions rate best with your mare, but also which ones are most likely to improve your mare's bloodlines
  • Includes a full equineline.com pedigree page for your mare
  • Provides a five-cross pedigree for each hypothetical mating, including an exclusive list of the best horses bred on the cross
  • Serves as a crucial research tool for breeders to help narrow the stallion selection process
  • Is one of the first reports run by pedigree analysts and bloodstock consultants
  • Can be downloaded for $250 from www.TrueNicks.com/Reports