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  • November 7, 2015 - Foal Health

     Feeding Weanlings; Examining the growth rate of foals by Heather Smith Thomas  The goal of breeding racehorses is to raise and develop young athletes to reach their best athletic potential. After weaning, foals are generally fed for optimum rather than maximum growth, trying to avoid some of the pitfalls of growing too fastwhich can ...
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by aspradling on 12-29-2015
  • October 24, 2015 - The Heart

    Heart scans are another tool in selecting young racehorses. The size of a young horses heart has proved to be a reliable predictor of his future racing performance by Heather Smith Thomas A good Thoroughbred must have hearta term that means determination and will to win: a desire to run in spite of anything that might distract or ...
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by aspradling on 12-29-2015
  • 2016: 
Year of Unification - by Eric Mitchell

    Identifying a dominant theme that resonated throughout the year is typically where the writers and editors of the Blood-Horse start when planning for our annual Year in Review issue. American Pharoah so completely monopolized the landscape in 2015 that our challenge was to be sure many of the other significant events of the year got recognition. ...
    Posted to What's Going On Here (Weblog) by aspradling on 12-23-2015
  • Turf and Sport Digest Days

    I can still smell the mustiness of the old magazines, strewn haphazardly around the Midtown magazine shop on Eighth Avenue, just off 42nd Street in Manhattan. This unique store sold only old magazines, and the vast volume that came in on a daily basis prevented the owner from putting the magazines in any semblance of order.So, there they lay on ...
    Posted to Hangin' With Haskin (Weblog) by aspradling on 12-08-2015
  • The Bid: Sustained Greatness

    There has been a great deal written recently about American Pharoahs place among the all-time greats. For what he accomplished this year, and last year, I feel he elevated himself into the realm of immortals, not only based on his historic accomplishments on the racetrack, but what he meant to the entire sport and racing fans all over the world, ...
    Posted to Hangin' With Haskin (Weblog) by aspradling on 12-01-2015
  • November 14, 2015 - Northeast / Mid-Atlantic: True Story

    La Verdad takes Sheila Rosenblum on a fun ride by Teresa Genaro It was practIcally dark when post time for the last race at Belmont Park rolled around Oct. 3. A dismal, cold, wet early fall day on which a half-dozen graded stakes races had been run was nearly at an end, and following the running of the Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes (gr. I), the ...
  • It's in the Blood

    What did Sir Edmund Hillary do after he became the first person to climb Mt. Everest? What peaks are left to climb when youve climbed the highest in the world?Hillary would climb 10 more peaks in the Himalayas and eventually embark on another historic quest -- journeying to the South Pole.Jonas Salk became a national hero, admired by millions, ...
    Posted to Hangin' With Haskin (Weblog) by aspradling on 11-22-2015
  • The Real Longshot of '50-1' is I Enjoyed It

    There is no harsher critic of racing films than yours truly, and I sadly have had to carve apart recent flicks with the dexterity of a surgeon with a scalpel. I cant stand revisionist history for the sake of making it Hollywood and cant stand a movie turning racing into a farce, as Secretariat did, insulting ones intelligence on so many ...
    Posted to Hangin' With Haskin (Weblog) by aspradling on 11-18-2015
  • November 7, 2015 - West Coast: Going Greene

    Sue Greene continues her life with horses on Woodbridge Farm by Tracy Gantz Sue Greene is a Thoroughbred racing evangelist. Besides relying solely on breeding and raising horses to make her living, she's on a mission to spread the word about racing's benefitsparticularly to state leaders. On one visit to Sacramento, Calif., with ...
  • Promotional Feature: Boarding - Proper Care, Welfare the Keys

    Aside from the personal attention horses get at Forever Spring Farm, owners have the added benefit of an in-house nutritionist who stays on top of the changing needs of broodmares, weanlings, and yearlings. Please download to continue reading, thank you. 
    Posted to Magazine Features (FileGallery) by aspradling on 11-17-2015
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