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  • October 2023 - Contagion Concerns: Keeping Equines Safe From Pathogens

    Best practices for biosecurity protocols by Amanda Duckworth IF A SINGULAR horse falls ill, it is an unfortunate event. If that disease spreads to the entire herd or worse, a region, it can become catastrophic for all of those involved.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 09-27-2023
  • September 2023 - Joints

    Researchers examine industry data for answers by Amanda Duckworth THERE IS LITTLE debate that healthy joints are incredibly important for the well-being of racehorses, but the reality is things can start to get tricky well before a horse ever races.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 08-16-2023
  • August 2023 - Gut Health

    Quickly addressing colic leads to better outcomes by Amanda Duckworth ALTHOUGH IT CONSISTS of five letters, for all intents and purposes, colic is a four-letter word to those who care for horses.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 07-31-2023
  • July 2023 - Grooming

    The severity of a region's winter weather is a consideration when determining whether to blanket or not by Amanda Duckworth IN THE HEAT of the summer, it is easy to forget one of the most debated topics when it comes to horse health: To blanket or not to blanket.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 07-01-2023
  • June 2023 - Barn Management

    Importance of managing aerosol particles' impact on horses and humans in the barn by Amanda Duckworth HORSES ARE KEPT in stalls for many reasons, ranging from convenience to medical requirement, but the end result is the same: waste removal will be necessary.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 07-01-2023
  • May 2023 - Hoof Health

    Researchers examine gauging techniques in hoof evaluation by Amanda Duckworth GIVEN THE IMPORTANCE of hoof health in horses, it should come as no surprise that it's a heavily researched and studied aspect of equine anatomy.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 05-02-2023
  • April 2023 - Nutrition: Individual Commitment

    Tailoring feed program to each horse can pay dividends by Amanda Duckworth A HORSE'S DIETARY needs vary depending on the lifestyle it leads. However, well-intentioned nutrition plans sometimes are based on traditional practices that might or might not be right for the animal in question.  Download this week's Health Zone to ...
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 03-15-2023
  • March 2023 - Parasite Concerns: Staying a Step Ahead

    Protocols to control parasites continue to evolve by Amanda Duckworth WHILE HORSE FARMS understand parasite control should be included in any horse health plan, comprehending the best approach to properly manage these unwanted guests is evolving.  Download this week's Health Zone to continue reading.
    Posted to Health Zone (FileGallery) by Michelle Benson on 02-21-2023
  • March 2023 - Southwest: Big Move

    Wolesensky's Leadem Farm relocates to Arkansas By Robert Yates THE ARKANSAS BREEDING landscape is changing.  Download this week's Regional to continue reading.
  • March 2023 - Midwest/Canada: Ohio Investment

    With upgraded stallion roster, broodmare band, Duncan Farms targets new opportunities By Tom Pedulla DARYL AND SALLY DUNCAN joke that the strain of breeding season annually tests their marriage of 37 years. Download this week's Regional to continue reading.
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