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  • Fielding Candidates for Broodmare of the Year

    (By Scot T. Gillies) The Blood-Horse MarketWatch special Broodmare of the Year issue comes out in March, and frankly, I can't wait. In addition to being one of our most popular editions, the subject is one of my personal favorites. What's not to love?  Stories about 10 mares that had a major impact on U.S. racing last year, with ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 02-06-2011
  • Subscribers Only: January Issue Released

    By Scot T. Gillies How do the European stallion and sales markets compare to their U.S. counterparts? Michael Youngs and Rachel Pagones review 2011 European stud offerings and 2010 auction results in this month's cover stories. The 2011 European Review issue features extended lists of incoming and young sires in England, Ireland, France, Germany, ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 01-27-2011
  • Kingmambo Is "C/S" Dosage Influence

    (Guest post by Tom Hall) If people are judged by the company they keep, then why not Thoroughbreds? When Kingmambo was named a chef-de-race stallion in 2010, he certainly joined two exclusive lists. Although pensioned from stallion duty, the 21-year-old son of Mr. Prospector out of Miesque, by Nureyev, is alive and well and living the good life ...
    Posted to The Five-Cross Files (Weblog) by sgillies on 01-26-2011
  • Assessing Value in Thoroughbred Stallions

    (By Avalyn Hunter) What determines value in a stallion's asking price? To some, it is the ability to produce commercially appealing offspring that sell for much more than the price of the season. To others, it is the ability to produce early winners that can get a mare's produce record started or be sold for a profit from off the track. Still ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 01-20-2011
  • Older Mares and Quality of Foals: What's the Connection?

    (By Avalyn Hunter) In his article ''Class Action'' (The Blood-Horse, 10-23-2010), Evan Hammonds surveyed the Jockey Club database to draw a number of statistical conclusions regarding the likelihood of getting a stakes winner from any particular mare. Among his findings was a definite dropoff in racing quality among foals born late in a mare's ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 01-10-2011
  • Subscribers Only: December Issue Released

    Thoroughbred breeders know that stud fees are one of the truest gauges of our industry's health. The December MarketWatch issue provides in-depth information about individual stallions' fees and their progeny performances, along with breeding, sales, and racing norms by stallion groups. MarketWatch is your annual source for complete details about ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 12-29-2010
  • Subscribers Only: November Issue Released

    November's issue reviews the 2010 book quality of North American stallions. To accompany The Blood-Horse MarketWatch's standard Quality of Mares Bred charts and leading-sire lists, Eric Mitchell takes a closer look at first-season stallions (cover story). Scot Gillies discuss the implications of young and maiden mares in a short analysis ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 11-24-2010
  • Journeyman Stud Bets on Florida's Thoroughbred Future

    (By Avalyn Hunter)  In the midst of a still-uncertain market, it is refreshing to see people committing themselves to the future of Thoroughbred racing and breeding. Among them are Brent and Crystal Fernung, who are continuing to add to a promising roster of young stallions at their Journeyman Stud near Ocala, Florida. Already the home of ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 11-24-2010
  • Nodouble Becomes New Dosage Chef-de-Race

    (Guest post by Tom Hall) Arkansas seems an unlikely place to be the birthplace of a future chef-de-race Thoroughbred stallion. But the fact is this: A good horse can be born anywhere, from the ''horse capitals'' of the world to any out-of-the-mainstream state in the hinterlands. Such is the case with Nodouble. On March 4, 1965, a chestnut colt ...
    Posted to The Five-Cross Files (Weblog) by sgillies on 11-18-2010
  • It's A Shame Zenyatta Didn't Lose Earlier

    (By Avalyn Hunter) Perfection is a rare thing in any field. In sports, those who achieve it become legends. Yet sometimes the desire to maintain an unbeaten record can become self-defeating. Football fans know this well; every year, at least one Top 10 team goes down because it played, not to win, but not to loseand, in so doing, lost to a ...
    Posted to MarketWatch Blog (Weblog) by sgillies on 11-13-2010
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