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  • The Ambassador vs. The Amorous Wolfhound

    The Breeders' Cup World Championships is wonderful, invaluable to racing...and thank God we have it. However, what a shame that its late fall timing killed the most wonderfully glamorous and unique race of its timethe Washington D.C. International. This race was run for many years at Laurel Park. Conceived by John Schapiro, Laurel's very ...
    Posted to Stories from Cot Campbell (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 03-06-2015
  • The Wisdom of Shoe

    Many diverse theories, techniques, procedures, tools, skills, and outright voodoo-isms go into the acquisition of young Thoroughbred horses. But what the whole rigamarole boils down to was once explained to me in indelible fashion by one of the greatest race riders who ever lived. The story starts with Dogwood's purchase in the mid-80s of an ...
    Posted to Stories from Cot Campbell (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 02-10-2015
  • How Not to Buy a Horse at Auction

    In the world of commerce, nothing could be more colorful and fascinating than an auction of Thoroughbred horses.  For instance, at Keeneland in Lexington each fall for almost two weeks, around 4,000 horses are sold, and people come from all over the world to pay prices that cause the average to be in the neighborhood of six figures. Every two ...
    Posted to Stories from Cot Campbell (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 01-20-2015
  • The Travails of Poo Poo Man

    Many years ago I established a successful Thoroughbred training farm in Southwest Georgia. It was truly a triumph of energy and enthusiasm over stupidity and bad judgment. When energy and enthusiasm began to wane, I sold Dogwood Farm.Back in the early days of 1975, we were making some headway, presenting Dogwood, and its mild Georgia winter ...
    Posted to Stories from Cot Campbell (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 01-02-2015
  • Prince Faisal and the Ham

    Thirty-five years ago the Arabs started coming to America to buy Thoroughbred racehorses, and everyone in the game was in a frenzy to latch on to a ''Mohammed'' or a ''Khalid'' or some son of the desert. Dogwood Farmthen in Georgiathought we had rung the bell when we were introduced to Prince Faisal bin Salman bin Abudlaziz Al Saud. ...
    Posted to Stories from Cot Campbell (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 12-04-2014
  • California Chrome Will Win His Era's First Triple Crown

    @font-face { font-family: ''Times''; }@font-face { font-family: '' ''; }@font-face { font-family: ''Cambria''; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: ''Times New Roman''; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } By Keith Kohnhorst ...
    Posted to The Racing Hub (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 06-02-2014
  • Racing Needs Strict Sanctions to Stop the Cheaters

    @font-face { font-family: ''Times''; }@font-face { font-family: ''Cambria''; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: ''Times New Roman''; }p.MsoFooter, li.MsoFooter, div.MsoFooter { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: ''Times New Roman''; }a:link, ...
    Posted to The Racing Hub (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 05-30-2014
  • The Jockey Club Does Not Speak for Me

    By Ronald MausSeattle, Wash. As a subscriber to The Blood-Horse, horse owner and breeder, I would like to take a moment to offer a point of view contrary to that held by Eric Mitchell, his TOBA handlers, and their cousins at The Jockey Club. My inspiration to speak up came from trainer and New York Thoroughbred Horseman's Association ...
    Posted to The Racing Hub (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 05-02-2014
  • Ned Bonnie: Why I'm Joining WHOA

    Kentucky attorney and member of the Kentucky Horse Racing Ned Bonnie lays out his argument for joining the Water Hay and Oats Alliance, an organization that supports federal oversight of medication use in horse racing and the elimination of all race-day medication. I am one of the many persons who support the Interstate Horse Racing Integrity ...
    Posted to The Racing Hub (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 04-09-2014
  • Can 'Vicar' Avoid Trouble in the Risen Star?

    By J. Keeler JohnsonIt's an age-old handicapping questionwhat do you do when the horse you like has drawn a poor post position?Attempting to answer this question is the key to unlocking the winners of the Risen Star Stakes (gr. II) and Besilu Stables Fountain of Youth Stakes (gr. II), both of which feature well-regarded contenders trapped in far ...
    Posted to Unlocking Winners (Weblog) by EJMitchellKy on 02-20-2014
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