02/28/09 Northeast Regional: Halls of Fame

  • February 24, 2009
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Five years ago, New Jersey residents George and Lori Hall were avid Thoroughbred racing fans, scrambling to find a babysitter to watch their daughter on weekends so they could enjoy a few races at nearby Monmouth Park.
These days the Halls are seeing things from a much different point of view. Since entering the business in 2004, they have campaigned five stakes winners, and now have two Triple Crown prospects in West Side Bernie and Atomic Rain.

On many summer mornings in the early dawn at Monmouth Park, George Hall can be seen leading horses from the barn alongside trainer Kelly Breen.

With his burly frame and size 11 boots a stark contrast next to dozens of tiny exercise riders, George braves the before daylight training hours at the New Jersey Shore track to observe his stock aboard lead pony and retired stakes winner Fagan’s Legacy.

George, an investment company owner, said he isn’t surprised at the success his operation has experienced in such a short time.

“We always intended to—to the extent it would work out—create an elite stable,” he said. Hall also keeps a handful of broodmares and young horses at his Annestes Farm near Versailles, Ky. “Each year we buy a few more and try to focus on the good ones.”

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