1/12/2013 Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Regional: Cliff Dwellers

  • January 08, 2013
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O'Cains continue Lizza legacy at Highcliff Stallions at Mill Creek Farm.

by Frank Angst

A few years ago Robert McNair welcomed the new year at Carl Lizza’s Highcliff Farm in Delanson, N.Y., home to his stallions Congaree and Stonesider.

McNair and his Thoroughbreds celebrate a Jan. 1 “birthday,” and the farm prepared cake for the owner as well as peppermint cakes for each stallion. Suzie O’Cain remembers the horses digging in—especially Congaree—and some amazing photos from that day.

“Bob and Janet McNair came out to the farm and they hadn’t seen Congaree in a while,” O’Cain said. “We have these photos of them looking at the horses with these great expressions on their faces. It was like the
greatest thing ever. It’s that kind of thing that we have so much fun with. It’s just wonderful.”

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