1/2/10 Midwest: Mission Accomplished

  • January 06, 2010
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Innovation. Progress. Leadership.

These are just a few of the words used over the years to describe what David Willmot has brought to the horse racing industry in Ontario since he bulled his way
into the business 35 years ago.

Under his aggressive, business-minded guidance, Woodbine racetrack has crawled out of the depths of near-bankruptcy and been transformed into a stable and healthy
business that is the envy of many racetracks throughout North America.

And riding the crest of a pleasing 2009 Woodbine meeting that boasted a 7% increase in all-sources wagering—almost unheard of in a trying economy—Willmot will
hand over the reins and step down as chief executive officer of Woodbine Entertainment Group in June 2010.

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