Health Zone

A special section of The Blood-Horse magazine that showcases products and services for the Thoroughbred industry. For advertising information, click here.

September 2022 - Joint Health: In Flux

  • August 30, 2022
  • File Size 8.1MB

When it comes to joint issues, treatments continue to evolve by Amanda Duckworth IDEALLY, A HORSE will never have joint issues, but that is not a reality for most.

August 2022 - Gut Health: More Than a Gut Feeling

  • July 26, 2022
  • File Size 4.5MB

Recent studies provide insights on gastrointestinal tract health by Amanda Duckworth IF THE DIFFERENT parts of a horse could compete in a race to win the title of "most important in terms of good...

July 2022 - Grooming: The Right Touch

  • June 28, 2022
  • File Size 1.5MB

Grooming provides opportunities to address problems early by Amanda Duckworth BECAUSE GROOMING IS one of the basic cornerstones of horsemanship, its wide-reaching importance can sometimes be taken for...

May 2022 - Hoof Care: Solid Footing

  • April 12, 2022
  • File Size 2.3MB

Researchers look at farrier work relative to performance, welfare by Amanda Duckworth A BETTER UNDERSTANDING of the mechanics of hooves, and especially hooves in motion, can improve the performance and...

April 2022 - Nutrition: Balancing Diet Issues

  • March 30, 2022
  • File Size 6.7MB

Individual equine nutritional needs often vary by Amanda Duckworth WHEN IT COMES to feeding horses, there are some straightforward facts that nutritionists and veterinarians always point toward. Download...

March 2022 - Parasites: Targeted Dewormers

  • February 22, 2022
  • File Size 3MB

Treatment programs based on horses' needs help prevent resistance by Amanda Duckworth INTERNAL PARASITES ARE not a new issue when it comes to horse management, but ideas on how best to deal with worms...

February 2022 - Foal Health: From the Start

  • January 18, 2022
  • File Size 2.8MB

Finding right diet for foals, pregnant mares by Amanda Duckworth A MARE'S MILK helps new foals avoid illness and properly grow, and, as foals begin to mature, some more hands-on human intervention...

January 2022 - Older Mares: Just a Number?

  • December 21, 2021
  • File Size 3.6MB

Studies offer clues on when mare age is a concer, and when it isn't by Amanda Duckworth AS BREEDING SEASON draws closer, Thoroughbred broodmares are being prepped for another year of being productive...

December 2021 - Breeding: Scientific Approach to Breeding

  • November 16, 2021
  • File Size 3.1MB

Breeding —Information growing on topics such as infertiliy, impact of inbreeding by Amanda Duckworth AHEAD OF BREEDING season, farm managers everywhere are doing their best to have stallions and mares...

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