Health Zone

A special section of The Blood-Horse magazine that showcases products and services for the Thoroughbred industry. For advertising information, click here.

January 16, 2021 - Mare Health: Early Start

  • January 12, 2021
  • File Size 1.1MB

Mare Health —EarlyStart by Amanda Duckworth FOR A THOROUGHBRED MARE the ability to become pregnant reliably and deliver a foal safely is ket to being a productive member of a broodmare band. Download this...

November 14, 2020 - Feed: Nightmare Situation

  • November 22, 2020
  • File Size 1.1MB

Feed —Nightmare Situation by Amanda Duckworth ONE OF THE CORNERSTONES of good horsemanship is a proper feeding schedule. Figuring out the right feed for any horse is important and something many take pride...

October 31, 2020 - Vaccines: Stick to the Schedule

  • October 27, 2020
  • File Size 994.3kB

Vaccines —Stick to the Scheduled by Amanda Duckworth IN A ROUNDUP of key words from 2020, "vaccine" is likely to make almost any list. Thankfully, when it comes to horses, equine vaccination...

September 12, 2020 - Grooming: Brushing Up On Basics

  • September 15, 2020
  • File Size 1.6MB

Grooming —Brushing Up On Basics by Amanda Duckworth GROOMING IS PERHAPS the most basic staple of good horse management, and in Thoroughbred racing, few know horses better than their grooms. Download this...

July 11, 2020 - Joint Health: Common Cause

  • July 14, 2020
  • File Size 2.9MB

Joint Health —Common Cause by Amanda Duckworth SOME ISSUES HORSES struggle with, such as laminitis, can be difficult for people to comprehend fully becuase they are not afflictions humans face. When it...

June 13, 2020 - Deworming: Edge of the Cliff

  • June 09, 2020
  • File Size 2.3MB

Deworming —Edge of the Cliff by Amanda Duckworth WHILE NOT THE MOST pleasant thought, horses are going to have worms. For decade it was standard procedure to administer dewormer to horses on a regular...

May 16, 2020 - Transportation: Trucking Along

  • May 20, 2020
  • File Size 1.5MB

Transportation —Trucking Along by Frank Angst "ANOTHER BIG DAY in the office," reads a recent Facebook post from Campbell Horse Transportation above a video showing horses unloading from a trailer...

May 9, 2020 - The Big Step: Hoof Care

  • May 05, 2020
  • File Size 1.3MB

The Big Step —Hoof Care by Amanda Duckworth NO HOOF, NO HORSE remains as true as ever, and while most of the healine-making laminitis stories in horse racing tend to relate to cases stemming from injury...

April 25, 2020 - The Weight: Nutrition

  • May 05, 2020
  • File Size 2.7MB

The Weight—Nutrition by Amanda Duckworth KEEPING A HORSE at its ideal body weight can sometimes be a challenge, but much like the Goldilocks parable, being "just right" leads to the best results...

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