
Health Zone reports tagged "Parasites"

May 22nd, 2010 - Parasite Control

  • May 19, 2010
  • File Size 1.5MB

Trade Zone: AAEP Focus on Disease Treatment, Prevention - Click Here to Download PDF Almost half a century ago a class of anthelmintics, or dewormers, called benzimidazoles revolutionized horse care. With... Download

June 2021 - Parasite Control: Parasites

  • May 19, 2021
  • File Size 1.4MB

Parasite Control — Experts now recommend fecal egg counts to guide deworming by Amanda Duckworth RESEARCHERS AND veterinarians have long worried about the risk of overreliance on dewormers for horses,... Download

March 2022 - Parasites: Targeted Dewormers

  • February 22, 2022
  • File Size 3MB

Treatment programs based on horses' needs help prevent resistance by Amanda Duckworth INTERNAL PARASITES ARE not a new issue when it comes to horse management, but ideas on how best to deal with worms... Download

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