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  • Horse of the Year: Stalemate

    These are the final words from here on the Horse of the Year debate between racing's two monarchs, Rachel Alexandra and Zenyatta. Unfortunately, only one likely will be crowned, but you can be sure both will rule in the hearts and minds of most racing fans. What follows below is based on the facts, with a little emotion thrown ...
  • November 14, 2009 - The Third Trimester

    Trade Zone: The Third Trimester - Click Here to Download PDF By Heather Smith Thomas Each phase of gestation has its risks, and the good news for owners who have pregnant mares in the barn this winter is that most losses will have already happened by now, so theyre out of the woods in some respects. Most equine pregnancy loss occurs during ...
  • 11/11/09 Northeast: Better With Backer

    Over the years William Backer has discovered that things go better with racing. The retired songwriting guru, known during his professional career as the man who coined many famous slogans and jingles for Coca-Cola, including "Things go better with Coke," is now highly regarded for an entirely different reason-his successful ...
  • 11/11/09 West Coast: In The House

    Appaloosas brought Michael House to Thoroughbreds. The spotted horses carted his kids in show rings across the country and his silks on the California fair racing circuit. House even now sometimes keeps an Appaloosa as a riding horse for himself or his wife, Dawn, at their California home in Rancho Santa Fe, and they breed them at their Montana ...
  • And The Winner Is...

    Sentient Jet presents The Perfect Trip award to Zenyatta, for her 2009 Lady's Secret Breeders' Cup race win. Zenyatta was chosen by a panel of racing experts and continues her unbeaten streak to 13 with this Breeders' Cup Challenge race win. On behalf of everyone at Sentient Jet, we are proud to honor Zenyatta's amazing year of racing, as well ...
    Posted to Perfect Trip (Weblog) by on 11-11-2009
  • Breeders' Cup Wrapup - Z One and Only

    Over the course of the next week, we'll have several wrapups, going over different aspects of Breeders' Cup 2009, such as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, losing efforts in Breeders' Cup history, the rash of oddball winners, the much-discussed synthetic issue, holding the event at Santa Anita, the European success, Horse of the Year, the ...
  • Who Should Be 2009 Horse of the Year?

    .commentForm, .postComments, #comments{display:none;} It's the question every Thoroughbred racing fan is talking about - who should be named 2009 Horse of the Year? It's clearly a two horse race: Zenyatta vs. Rachel Alexandra. If you had a vote, how would you cast it?
  • Trevor Denman Took a Risk

    Courtesy of Becky Johnston By putting an emphasis on Zenyatta throughout the race, Trevor Denman made a perfect pairing of a memorable call with a race that will stand the test of time. Here is what I heard of Trevor Denman's call: Something about the others. ''Zenyatta is dead last, dead last early.'' yadda-yadda about the ...
    Posted to The Racing Hub (Weblog) by on 11-09-2009
  • Breeders' Cup - Initial Reflections

     By Alex Waldrop, President and CEO of the NTRA  Breeders' Cup 2009 was outstanding.  Competitive from top to bottom. Inclusive of many of the best horses from around the world. Maddeningly hard to predict for even the most skilled horse player. Life changing for the single winner of the $1.8 million BC Pick Six. And ...
  • Enjoy Zenyatta Now

    Courtesy of Becky Johnston  Are the fans ruining the sport? Is Zenyatta great?  She has only run outside California once.  She's never faced the boys, until now.  She's never raced a longer distance.  She's never raced on grass.  She needs to race on dirt again.  She is too one dimensional.  She needs ...
    Posted to The Racing Hub (Weblog) by on 11-07-2009
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