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  • Feast for the Eyes

    A little gazpacho goes a long way. The 12 oz. bowl at the Putnam St. Market stand on the racecourses Restaurant Row for $5 is a zippy-tasting concoction thatll satisfy your appetite.  If youre looking for something a little spicy, try the Manhattan clam chowder at the stand underneath Section J, also for $5.  Add a douse of red hot ...
    Posted to Vic Zast Saratoga Diary (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-25-2011
  • Bouillabaisse

     You could tell which people stayed out late dancing to the bands at the Hats Off to Saratoga celebration on Broadway by whether or not they slept through the thunder storm. A rumble that sounded like a semi rolling through a tunnel escaped the notice of those who were still sleeping hard at 4 am.  The storm passed without damage, for ...
    Posted to Vic Zast Saratoga Diary (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-24-2011
  • Staking Claims: Midwest Thoroughbreds - By Esther Marr

    (Originally published in the July 23, 2011 issue of The Blood-Horse magazine. Feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions at the bottom of the column.)  One of Richard Papieses fondest childhood memories while growing up on the south side of Chicago was going to the old Washington Park track with his mother. I grew up ...
    Posted to Winner's Circle (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-19-2011
  • Rip Off the Medication Band-Aid - By Eric Mitchell

     (Originally published in the July 23, 2011 issue of The Blood-Horse magazine. Feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions at the bottom of the column.)  By Eric Mitchell - @EJMitchellKy on Twitter The Breeders Cup board of directors took a big step July 14 toward leveling the international medication playing field ...
    Posted to What's Going On Here (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-19-2011
  • Del Cap One for the Ages and the Rages

    First off, let me set the record straight. I love Blind Luck; have since last spring, and have made my feelings about her known several times. She is a rare link to the past; bringing back memories of the sport in its glory days and the amazing feats a great Thoroughbred was capable of. No, change that. Not even the Thoroughbreds of the past ...
    Posted to Hangin' With Haskin (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-17-2011
  • Video Portal Makeover - New Searchable Race Replay Video

    Video Portal has released an update to the video portal. Upgrades include the ability to search for any Race Replay of your choice and a new tab organization structure. New tabs  that have been added include International Video and News Video sections. ...
    Posted to Inside (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-14-2011
  • Donna Barton Brothers - Racing Analyst

    Read Donna's answers to your questions now! Download this free PDF of many questions not answered during the Talkin' Horses with The Blood-Horse show. Donna Barton Brothers is the daughter of Patti Barton, one of the first women to be licensed as a jockey, Barton Brothers is second on the all-time leading earners list for female ...
    Posted to Talkin' Horses (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-11-2011
  • Plenty of Blame - By Eric Mitchell

     (Originally published in the July 9, 2011 issue of The Blood-Horse magazine. Feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions at the bottom of the column.)  By Eric Mitchell - @EJMitchellKy on Twitter Public hearings are supposed to provide answers and resolution. Unfortunately, the administrative hearing held June 28-30 ...
    Posted to What's Going On Here (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-06-2011
  • Tough On Turf: Glen Hill Farm - By Lenny Shulman

      (Originally published in the July 9, 2011 issue of The Blood-Horse magazine. Feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions at the bottom of the column.) Leonard Lavin, who started his Glen Hill Farm Thoroughbred operation 40 years ago, promised his daughter Carol back around 1980 that he wouldnt make a horseplayer out of her ...
    Posted to Winner's Circle (Weblog) by aspradling on 07-06-2011
  • Promotional Feature: Major Tax Benefits for Buyers

    At the end of last year, the President signed into law the high profile tax bill that extended the current income tax rates and many other tax benefits that were expiring at the end of 2010. Two of the most important benefits for horse owners are the continuation of generous bonus depreciation and a higher expense allowance in 2011. The write-offs ...
    Posted to Magazine Features (FileGallery) by aspradling on 07-06-2011
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