Ocala Stud

The Blood-Horse Regionals reports tagged "Ocala Stud"

February 18, 2017 - Southeast: Major Makeover in Ocala

  • March 08, 2017
  • File Size 1.7MB

Renovations at OBS to move sale outfit forward By Ron Mitchell MICHAEL O’FARRELL’S PROFESSIONAL LIFE has been inextricably tied to the Ocala Breeders’ Sales Co., the Central Florida sales entity he chairs... Download

3/10/2012 Southeast: OK in Ocala

  • March 05, 2012
  • File Size 2.4MB

Ocala Breeders’ Sales Co. key to Central Florida horsemen by Deirdre B. Biles The Ocala Breeders’ Sales Co.’s mission is simple, according to Mike O’Farrell, who has served as the Central Florida auction... Download

01/21/12 Southeast: Blockbuster

  • January 19, 2012
  • File Size 1.8MB

By Bill Giauque Ocala Stud roars back among top breeders. Ocala Stud is the setting for the longest-running Thoroughbred epic in Florida, which features tragedy and triumph, struggle and success. The story... Download

January 27, 2018 - Southeast: Sons Shine in Ocala

  • February 07, 2018
  • File Size 1.4MB

Third generation of O’Farrells carry the ball at Ocala Stud By Lenny Shulman HISTORY ISN’T ALWAYS FLASHY. Of course, there are highlights, but strung out over many years, the institutions that survive... Download

February 17, 2018 - Southeast: Mark Up

  • February 27, 2018
  • File Size 2.3MB

GoldMark Farm adds stallions to thriving operation By Cynthia McFarland SOME PEOPLE ARE BORN into the horse industry, raised in families with generations immersed in the business. For others, the passion... Download

January 26, 2019 - Southeast: Lucky Shamrock

  • February 09, 2019
  • File Size 2.1MB

Shamrock Rose the latest success story for Best A Luck Farm By Lenny Shulman THIS IS BEGINNING to be old hat, these grade 1 winners bred by Best A Luck Farm. When Shamrock Rose thrillingly rallied from... Download

February 16, 2019 - Southeast: Bigger Is Better

  • March 13, 2019
  • File Size 2.4MB

Pavla and Erik Nygaard enjoy huge success at their Ocala Jockey Club By Cynthia McFarland MUCH CAN BE SAID for valuing tradition and history, yet growth and change are inescapable in this life. At Ocala... Download

March 9, 2019 - Southeast: Day in the Sun

  • March 26, 2019
  • File Size 1.8MB

Eight new stallions make their way to Florida for 2019 By Evan Hammonds THE FACTS AND FIGURES regarding the Thoroughbred breeding industry in Florida have been pretty much on par with those in the rest... Download

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