The Pamplemousse
How could you not enjoy this year's Sham Stakes (gr.III)! The Pamplemousse stole the show. He has definitely caught my attention with his talent, but he also did so with his face. The cameras during the race were far away so I never noticed his face or figure. Then today, passing my co-workers computer, there was a lovely desktop background of the horse. I did a double take, and could not believe how soft the Pamplemousse looked. The unique coloring, and the nice fade on his first reaction made me think he was adorable in a teddy bear sense.
Thus, he has warmed my heart. Here's to the Pamplemousse. I think I'm ready for some grapefruit.
Photos by Benoit

CDI Safety Center
Churchill Downs Incorporated created a display for the public to interact with, and learn how horse racing currently handles safety issues. The experience will demonstrate policies, procedures for animals and humans alike. Experience audio, video and tangible materials near gate 17.
This note is to show my appreciation towards CDI in being proactive. The more experiential and tangible you make education, the greater the lasting impact and interest drawn will be. I know my generation appreciates the visuals and hands on environment. Racing safety has needed to be explained better to the general fan, and this is a great way to do so. This display will be very helpful to learn what has improved in a year and what safety really means in the racing world, especially following last years Derby.
Photos by Churchill Downs/Reed Palmer Photography