

A New Look for TrueNicks Reports

As part of the TrueNicks commitment to ongoing improvement of our product line, we are pleased to unveil a new look for the basic Hypothetical Mating and Named Foal reports (click on the report names to see samples).

The new presentation is designed to be easier to read and interpret, and includes all the same features that users have found on the reports previously.

So, what has changed?

First, you'll notice that the TrueNicks letter grade and variant scores are more prominent. The location in the upper corner of the report assures that the rating is visible on your browser without having to scroll.

Second, the name of the horse (for Named Foal reports) or the sire-dam (for Hypothetical Mating reports) is clearly noted at the top of the report, along with the sire line / broodmare sire line cross used for the report.

Third, the breeder's name and location are included for all Named Foal reports, an enhancement that was suggested by our users.

Fourth, we've changed the notation for listed stakes races from (LR) to (L) in the listing of "Best Horses Bred on This Cross."

If you'd like to compare the reports, you can view the previous formats: view the Hypothetical Mating (older format) or the Named Foal (older format) reports.

The sample reports again feature popular filly Rags to Riches as the named horse, and a Street Sense-Rags to Riches cross for the hypothetical match. You might find it interesting to note the minor changes in variant scores in the five weeks since the previous samples were run. As you can see, the overall rating was unaffected in both cases. Why is this important? It confirms that TrueNicks ratings are always based on the most recent information, and that additional success (or lack thereof) of a given sire line / broodmare sire line cross will affect the ratings. Importantly, though, once a nick rating has been established, new foals bred on the same cross tend to validate the rating over time. The date stamp on the upper right corner of the report lets you know that the rating you're reviewing was calculated with the most recently available data.

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