

You Heard It Here First!

This is a blog, and indeed TrueNicks is not supposed to be a handicapping service - but we are seriously going to have to reconsider this after the win of Sebring in the Golden Slipper Stakes (Aus-I) on the weekend!

It was back on the 20th of January, some 13 weeks ago, that we first mentioned the then-non stakes-winning Sebring as a likely Golden Slipper candidate.

Under a masterful ride by Glen Boss, the son of More Than Ready (TrueNicks, SRO) - who rated an A+ by TrueNicks before he ever stepped onto a racetrack - came with a well-timed run to win the richest 2-year-old race in the world by just on a neck.

Just remember ... you heard it here first.

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