

The Blood-Horse Webinar: What Is TrueNicks?

A 35-minute online seminar will introduce you to the TrueNicks system. Tune in today, April 23 at 2:00 p.m. EDT, for the FREE session. After Alan Porter completes an overview of TrueNicks, he and Byron Rogers will answer readers' questions.

If you have not pre-registered for the Webinar, please do so here: http://www.bloodhorse.com/webinars/truenicks1/register.asp

Those who have already registered may sign in here: http://www.bloodhorse.com/webinars/truenicks1/index.asp.

If you have additional questions at the conclusion of today's Web seminar, please use the question submission form on the Webinar page. Additional questions and answers will appear here on the blog over the next few days.

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