

Since You Asked...

Alan responds to a few readers' questions... Q: Are there any downfalls to nicking? A: Nick ratings are a measurement of one area of pedigree affinity, that of the sire (or sire line) for mares by the broodmare sire (or broodmare sire line). There is a very high correlation between a high TrueNicks rating and the potential for success. However, the potential downall is to blindly employ the nick rating without carefully considering other important factors (such as other inbreeding or line-breeding, aptitude, conformation, and commercial factors). So, the nick is an important guiding factor, but there are other considerations, too.
Q: Will TrueNicks be accurate outside USA ? A: Because TrueNicks are calculated using the database of The Jockey Club Information Services, they are as equally accurate for any major racing country as they are for the U.S. This includes (but is not limited to) European countries such as England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Italy, as well as Scandinavia; Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Japan; and major South American countries, including Argentina, New Zealand, and Chile.
Q: How do you rate Trippi? A: With 10 stakes winners in his first three crops, two of them graded, Trippi ranks as one of the best proven stallions in Florida.

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