

Moving Houses... And More

In the upcoming months, TrueNicks has a number of innovations and new products to unveil.

Some will be quite visible while the others more subtle. One of the changes in the latter category will be the migration of this site in a couple of days from the current standalone platform you see today onto the powerful Blood-Horse Community Server where the blog aspect of the site will integrate with other blogs that are produced there. This will mean that the postings made on this site by Alan, Byron, and the growing team at TrueNicks will reach a much wider audience of industry participants than it currently does. BloodHorse.com traffic averages over 150,000 unique visitors per month, with a current peak topping 285,000 unique viewers and an interesting posting within the blog stable on BloodHorse.com has already racked up close to 20,000 page views. That is correct: one post from one blog author has already counted up 19,983 individual views to be precise. Moving the site to the community server has some further benefits. It will allow you, our readers, to make comments on the posts that we make and share these posts with other like-minded individuals. While these will be moderated (mainly to stop spam!) we would love to hear your thoughts on what we post.

The blog is one of the more active parts of our Web site, but it is not the entire focus of the site. Further down the track we are looking at launching a pedigree newsletter which will include the best from this site and other pedigree information sources as well as severalTrueNicks broodmare and stallion products that are being developed in response to demand from our customers.

We are building these products around you, our readers - and (we hope) customers - so if you have any feedback or ideas please don't hesitate to contact us.

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