

Genetics Will Be Hot Topic at Conference

With the 2011 Thoroughbred Pedigree, Genetics & Performance Conference just over a week away, the excitement is building for what looks to be a highly educational two-day summit. It will be held at the Marriott Griffin Gate hotel in Lexington, Ky., September 7-8.

Scene at last year's panel discussion

Last year's event (then a single-day format) was heavy on genetics, with top equine researchers unveiling their latest discoveries. Judging by published papers and general industry buzz since then, Thoroughbred genetics research has progressed considerably in past 12 months. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of current research is the increasing understanding of the relationship between genes, muscle, and performance, as it brings strong implications to breeding, buying, and racing programs.

New speakers on genetics include Dr. Ernie Bailey, Dr. Dav Doodnauth, Dr. Stephen Harrison, and Dr. David Lambert. Returning to update on new advancements are Dr. Matthew Binns, Dr. Emmeline Hill, Dr. James MacLeod, and Dr. Steven Tammariello. Collectively, their concentrations range from gene mapping and expression, to muscle repair and stem cell technology, to perfomance-linked gene studies. Click here for their bios and presentation schedule.

Tomorrow, we'll give a quick preview on other exciting topics on the Conference agenda.

For full details on this event, visit BloodHorse.com/Register.

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