

Reader Question -- Broodmare Analysis Report with Free Stallions

Question from Randy: Why would I pay for something that really should be available for free from sponsoring farms?

Scot's reply:  Thank you for your question.

Within the Broodmare Analysis Report, hypothetical matings can be created for all active stallions, regardless of whether they are subscribed to the service.  The report cost does not vary, whether you run your mare against a single stallion or against the 50-stallion maximum, and does not change based on a stallion's availability for complimentary TrueNicks hypo-mating reports. 

The Broodmare Analysis provides rankings of all stallions run both by overall variant score and by the exclusive broodmare sire improvement index (BSII) - basically, a measurement of how much a given stallion "improves" the sire line of your broodmare.  These rankings and the BSII are available only with the premium Broodmare Analysis report.

Individual hypo-mating reports remain free, compliments of their stud farms, for about 350 stallions:  http://cs.bloodhorse.com/blogs/truenicks/pages/subscribed-stallions- by-farm.aspx.




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