canada regional

The Blood-Horse Regionals reports tagged "canada regional"

March 2, 2019 - Midwest/Canada: Taming The West

  • March 19, 2019
  • File Size 2MB

Pierre Esquirol makes a go of it in western Canada By Jennifer Morrison YOU CAN'T KEEP A PASSIONATE, hard-working horseman down. Pierre Esquirol is as determined a Thoroughbred breeder as you will... Download

February 3, 2018 - Midwest/Canada: Standing Tall

  • February 13, 2018
  • File Size 2.6MB

Ivan Dalos improves the breed at Tall Oaks Farm By Jennifer Morrison IVAN DALOS HAS A KNACK for nicks. The Toronto, Ontario, businessman will tell you his foray into Thoroughbred racing and breeding began... Download

February 4, 2017 - Canada: Carrying On

  • February 07, 2017
  • File Size 2.1MB

John and Doris Carey Optimistic at T.C. Westmeath Stud By Jennifer Morrison WHEN JOHN CAREY visited Ontario for the first time from his homeland in Ireland, he was in his 20s and planned to stay only a... Download

December 24, 2016 - Midwest/Canada: Quick Entrance

  • January 17, 2017
  • File Size 4.1MB

Anthony Bilotta jumps right into Peaceful Valley Farms by Erin Shea WHEN ANTHONY BILOTTA made a trip to Alberta, Canada, to see his son graduate from Olds College he didn’t expect to make a major life... Download

April 2, 2016 - Midwest/Canada: Cool Cole Man

  • April 26, 2016
  • File Size 4.8MB

John Burness calmly handles the challenges at Ontario's Colebrook Farms by Lenny Shulman On an early March morning that has seen a foot of snow cover his corner of Ontario, Colebrook Farms owner John... Download

March 5, 2016 - Midwest/Canada: Buckeye State Comes Back

  • March 16, 2016
  • File Size 2.2MB

Breeding is on the upswing in Ohio by Tom LaMarra Kim and Lori Williams’ Fair Winds Farm has a long history of standing some of the top stallions in ohio, including Honey Jay and, more recently, mercer... Download

February 2, 2016 - Midwest/Canada: Byrne Identity

  • February 17, 2016
  • File Size 6.4MB

Veteran horseman Michael Byrne steers Park Stud through uncertain times by Lenny Shulman In horses, as in life, timing is everything. So for the Byrne family’s park Stud near orangeville, ontario, Canada... Download

December 26, 2015 - Midwest/Canada: Hometown Hawkeye

  • January 27, 2016
  • File Size 2.9MB

Madison County Thoroughbred finds its niche in Iowa by Evan Hammonds While Pam Schutz isn’t the first person to fall in love with horses and want to turn her passion into her livelihood, she’s one of the... Download

January 3, 2015 - Midwest/Canada: Horsepower

  • January 13, 2015
  • File Size 2.2MB

Iowa's Dennis Albaugh collects Chevys, racehorses by Lenny Shulman Dennis Albaugh tends to do things big once he gets involved in something. So his entrance nine years ago into the world of Thoroughbreds... Download

3/1/2014 Midwest/Canada: Fine Vintage

  • March 11, 2014
  • File Size 2.3MB

Stallion business growing at Leigh Ann and Kerry Hopper’s RichWine Farm by Claire Novak When Leigh Ann Hopper talks about building an Indiana breeding operation from the ground up with her husband, Kerry... Download

2/1/2014 Midwest/Canada: Steady Hand

  • February 11, 2014
  • File Size 2.8MB

Mapleville Farms and Sherry McLean stay stable in changing times by Lenny Shulman In the mIdst of the instability that has befallen the Thoroughbred industry in Ontario over the past two years, at least... Download

4/6/2013 Midwest/Canada Regional: Flower Power

  • April 02, 2013
  • File Size 1.5MB

Henry Mast goes from greenhouses to winner’s circle by Esther Marr One of Michigan-based Thoroughbred owner/breeder Henry Mast’s life mottos—“Business is easy”—is etched on a sign on his office door. The... Download

3/2/2013 Midwest/Canada Regional: Saved For Now

  • February 26, 2013
  • File Size 2MB

Two-year agreement buys time for Ontario racing by Alex Campbell It's been quite a year for those in the Ontario horse racing industry since the provincial government announced in February 2012 its... Download

2/2/2013 Midwest/Canada Regional: Facing the Challenge

  • January 29, 2013
  • File Size 5.2MB

Tom Roche makes a go of it at his Carmalley Valley Farm in Missouri. by Claire Novak Success in thoroughbred racing is difficult to find and producing the “big horse” is even harder, yet hundreds of small... Download

4/7/2012 Midwest/Canada: True North

  • April 03, 2012
  • File Size 6.4MB

Adena Springs Canada contributes mightily to Frank Stronach’s top-shelf operation By Lenny Shulman What goes up sometimes comes down. Regional markets for Thoroughbreds seem in a constant dance of rising... Download

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